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Vulcan includes a simple-yet-powerful email-sending system.


If you've got the debug package enabled, an email debugging UI is available at http://localhost:3000/debug/emails.


Setting up emails in Vulcan is a three-step process.

First, you'll need to load and register an email's template. This is the Handlebars file that controls the actual markup that will be sent out.

Then, you can define the email itself. Defining a new email means not only specifying which previously registered template to use, but also how to generate the subject line, figure out who to send out the email to, and how to query for the data used to populate that email.

Finally, you can send the email. Because so much of the work has happened upfront this is usually just a matter of specifying which email to send, and optionally including some variables to customize it.


In order to send emails, you'll need to set up an email provider. You can do so by providing an SMTP URL (e.g. smtp:// in your settings.json file under the mailUrl property.

Note: if your username contains an @ make sure to replace it with %40 to escape it.

Email Templates​

Unlike components, emails don't use React but the Handlebars templating language. Before you can use a template with Vulcan's email system, you'll need to register it. A 'wrapper' template must first be registered as a container for your templates (e.g. Vulcan-Starter/packages/example-forum/lib/server/email/templates/common/wrapper.handlebars).

In order to register a new template or override an existing one, first you must import it as a text asset in your package.js file (or store it in your /public directory):

api.addAssets(['path/to/template/wrapper.handlebars',], ['server']);

You'll then be able to add a new template with VulcanEmail.addTemplates:

import VulcanEmail from 'meteor/vulcan:email';

wrapper: Assets.getText('path/to/template/wrapper.handlebars')

Or override an existing one with:

import VulcanEmail from 'meteor/vulcan:email';

VulcanEmail.templates.wrapper = Assets.getText('path/to/template/wrapper.handlebars');

Registering Emails​

Just like components, emails need to be centrally registered with Vulcan.

import VulcanEmail from 'meteor/vulcan:email';


test: {
template: 'test',
testPath: '/email/test',
data() {
return {date: new Date()};
subject(data) {
return 'This is a test';


Email Properties​

The VulcanEmail.addEmails function takes an object that itself contains individual objects for each email. Each email object can have the following properties:


The name of the template used to display the email (see below).


Either a function that takes in the email's data as argument and returns the recipient's email, or a string.


Either a function that takes in the email's data as argument and returns the subject, or a string.


A function that returns an object used to populate the email. It will either be passed a variables object by VulcanEmail.buildAndSend, or use testVariables.


A string containing a GraphQL query used to populate the email see below). If both data and query are provided, their results will be merged and passed on to the email.

Similarly to data(), the query will either use the variables object passed by VulcanEmail.buildAndSend, or use testVariables.

Test Properties​

Additionally, you can define some test properties to make previewing and testing the email easier. These properties will be used when previewing the email from the email debug dashboard.


A path for the route at which the email will be available to preview (when using vulcan:debug). If the path contains paramerters (such as /email/post-approved/:postId?), these parameters will be passed as variables to the data() function as well as the query.


An object containing default variables passed to query() when testing the email. If not specified, a blank object will be used.

This is useful to simulate an actual email sending function, since said function would usually pass variables to the

You can also pass a testVariables(params) function instead, in which case the params object will contain any route params you've defined. For example, if you've set the test route for an email to be /email/post-approved/:postId? then visit /email/post-approved/foo123, then params will be equal to { postId: 'foo123' }.

Full Example​

import VulcanEmail from 'meteor/vulcan:email';
import get from 'lodash/get.js';

const postsQuery = `
query PostsSingleQuery($input: SinglePostInput!){
siteData {
post(input: $input){




postApproved: {
template: "postApproved",
to(data) {
return get(data, '', '')
subject(data) {
const dummyPost = { title: "[title]" };
const post = get(data, '', dummyPost)
return "Your post β€œ" + post.title + "” has been approved";
query: postsQuery,
testPath: "/email/post-approved/:postId?",
testVariables({ postId }) {
return { input: { id: postId } };

As you can see, just like you can use GraphQL to query for data on the client and populate your React component's contents, you can also use it to query for data on the server and populate your Handlebars templates.

A few things to note:

  • Queries can accept variables, which will be passed by VulcanEmail.buildAndSend() (see below); or testVariables when testing.
  • A single query can query resolvers for entirely different collections. This lets you mix-and-match different data types in the same email.
  • If the default resolvers (post, posts, etc.) don't return the data you need for a specific email, don't forget you can also create your own custom resolvers with addGraphQLResolvers and addGraphQLQuery.

Sending Emails​

Finally, you can send emails with VulcanEmail.buildAndSend(options). The function takes an options object with the following fields:

  • emailName: the name of the email as registered using VulcanEmail.addEmails.
  • variables: (optional) the variables to pass to the email's GraphQL query and the data function.

Additionally, you can also specify to and subject properties, otherwise they will be derived from the email definition associated with the emailName you specified.