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Errors & Messages

Error Properties​

An error object can have the following properties (all optional):

  • id: a string identifier, for example app.not_found. Can be used as an internationalization key.
  • path: for field-specific errors inside forms, the path of the field with the issue.
  • properties: additional data. Will be passed to vulcan-i18n as values.
  • message: if id cannot be used as an i81n key, message will be used instead.
  • type: one of error, warning, success. Can be used to visually differentiate between message types.
  • break: a Boolean, whether to interrupt the current operation or try to keep going.
  • errors: if the error object itself contains an errors array, it will be interpreted as a "multi-error" that contains multiple related sub-errors.

GraphQL Errors​

When an error is thrown during a GraphQL query or mutation, it can be a good idea to use Apollo-Errors instead of "regular" Node errors. This lets you build more complex errors and transmit more data back to the client.

import { createError } from 'apollo-errors';

const FooError = createError('FooError', { message: 'A foo error has occurred' });

throw new FooError({ data: { something: 'important' } });

For GraphQL errors, all the error properties listed above should be assigned on the data object (including message).

For example, here is how you could throw an error when trying to geocode an address inside a mutation callback:

const message = `Could not geocode address β€œ${address}”`;
const GeoDataError = createError('app.geoData_error', { message });
throw new GeoDataError({
data: {
break: false,
id: 'app.geoData_error',
path: 'address',
properties: { address },

Note that if app.geoData_error has a corresponding internationalization string, the string will be used (and { address } passed as values usable inside the string); and if it does not message will be used instead.

Parsing Errors​

When catching a server error as a result of an operation, you can call getErrors() to retrieve a properly formatted array of GraphQL (or regular) errors.

Displaying Errors​

Inside your Vulcan app, errors can be displayed using the withMessages HoC, which gives a component access to the flash() function to show a message.

Form Errors​

Form errors are a special use case, and are thrown from inside a form component using this.props.throwError().

Note that when throwing a GraphQL error meant to be displayed inside a form, you can give it a path property to relate it to a specific form field.